Horses Providing Healing and Comfort for TBI Victims

Horses Providing Healing and Comfort for TBI Victims

Victims of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) struggle to get through life. Even the simplest of tasks such as getting dressed can be arduous. Many TBI victims are forced to rely on others to provide for their daily needs. Most spend several hours in physical or occupational therapy each week. While traditional therapy serves a purpose, the discovery of equestrian therapy is providing new hope for TBI victims and their families.

Traumatic Brain Injury a Serious Concern

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicates that 1.7 million Americans visit the hospitals each year with a TBI. In fact, TBIs are a factor in 30 percent of all deaths related to injury. A staggering 17 percent of TBI-related injuries are caused by vehicular accidents. Over 35 percent of brain injuries are caused by falls such as slipping on a wet surface. Any serious jolt or shaking of the head can also cause a TBI.

Millions of people each year will slip and fall. Whether they are at home or at a public place, falling can cause serious injuries. However, many people will not seek medical attention. Most will brush off the injuries as too minor to waste the time going to the emergency room or visiting a doctor. It is unfortunate that the average person does not realize how serious a bump on the head can be. The CDC considers TBI to be a public health issue that warrants serious concern.

Those who struggle with brain injury often have difficulty with maintaining proper balance. Even in mild forms of TBI, victims risk further injury due to their inability to maintain balance or control physical movements. However, horse therapy has helped countless TBI victims to overcome many challenges of this devastating injury.

Equestrian Therapy for TBI Victims

A Michigan newspaper, the Grand Traverse Insider, details the great benefits available through equestrian therapy. The publication introduces Christine O’Connell, founder of Charity Hill Ranch, a provider of horse therapy. Christine’s began providing horse therapy after her daughter suffered a closed-brain injury. The girl was left blind, required a feeding tube, and she could not maintain her balance.

Horses Providing Healing and Comfort for TBI VictimsChristine discovered that horses provided her daughter with comfort and joy. As her daughter progressed through horse therapy, she began to heal. Even though the doctors said her daughter’s prognosis was poor, the therapy was almost miraculous, allowing Ms. O’Connell’s daughter to graduate high school and live a full life.

The medical community has recognized the profound benefits of equestrian therapy. This treatment is particularly comforting for children who have sustained significant brain injuries. A child’s connection to the horse provides emotional stimulation while helping the child to work muscles and develop balance. Children are more responsive to horses than traditional therapies, leading to better outcomes for many.


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If you or a loved one suffered a brain injury due to an accident, contact our experienced attorneys to determine if you are eligible for compensation. Take advantage of our free consultation during which we will discuss your legal rights and options.

One thought on “Horses Providing Healing and Comfort for TBI Victims

  1. Kathy Madigan

    I am interested in starting my own ranch for tbi healing with horses in washington state, any ideas to help get me started. I have been a professional animal groomer and rescuer for the last 20 years. I also would like to use equine therapy to help ptsd

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